Our music
The music we play found its roots in medieval music and traditional music, especially in the music of the Celtic countries (the so-called “Celtic music”), but also Occitan and Scandinavian. Our arrangements are original and point to a more modern taste; repertoire and arrangements vary depending on the nature of the show and the context in which we are playing.
Our shows
We propose different types of performances according to the needs and the context in which we are playing. The number of band members is variable from a minimum of three to four musicians, to a maximum of six or seven: in both cases we can offer a complete show, adaptable to the needs of the event.
The clothes and the repertoire are consistent with the event in which we participate: we have clothing inspired by thirteenth and fourteenth century iconography for medieval re-enactments, but if necessary we can use earlier medieval clothing or dresses suitable for Celtic or pirate festivals.
Wandering music
Medieval fairs or Celtic festivals markets demand high volume and an involving musical animation: for this kind of events we propose an acoustic show whose protagonists are the bagpipes and the percussions, with the accompaniment of bombards and stringed instruments (hurdy and / or bouzouki). The tunes we play are rhythmic and engaging.
In our shows we interact with the public and we try to engage them into create a festive atmosphere. We are always ready to collaborate with other artists (jugglers, fire breathers and dancers) or to play as background music for duels and battles.
For this type of show we are autonomous and we do not have any special needs (we do not need electrical outlets or external equipment). The program is agreed from time to time according to the needs, but usually involves performances lasting 20-30 minutes each several times during the event: the played tunes vary between performances, respecting the context and taking into account the response of the public.
Ambient music
When more discreet sounds are required (for example in castle halls, or as a background for a medieval dinner) we offer a show with instruments of a more contained volume (flutes, musette, hurdy-gurdy, framed drums) and more gentle and relaxing arrangements. This sonority is also suitable to accompany ritual moments in Celtic festivals or private ceremonies.
If the situation allows it, we are always ready to take louder instruments and involve the public in short, more animated performances, always respecting the context.
No amplification is required for this show.
Ancient and traditional music reinterpreted on stage according to today’s taste. The instruments we play include various wind instruments, bagpipes, stringed instruments, drums, and percussion.
For this show a stage with amplification is generally required, even if in some contexts it may not be necessary (e.g. small streets and alleys, inside pubs or small breweries). Please contact us for the technical sheet and the specifics of the case.
Music for nativity scenes and Christmas markets
At Christmas, the Compagnia del Coniglio dresses its members as 'zampognari' to animate living nativity scenes, Christmas markets and sacred representations.
Instead of the classic zampognas, the Compagnia del Coniglio offers music performed with bagpipes, percussion, guitar or bouzouki, and hurdy-gurdy.
The repertoire includes Christmas classics (Adeste Fideles, Tu scendi dalle Stelle, Jingle Bells ...), Christmas carols, songs from the Occitan tradition and much more.